12 Dec 2024
19:00  - 21:00

Verso, Petersgraben 50, 4051 Basel

avuba & happy hour club

X-Mas Party for PhDs and Postdocs

The Happy Hour & DBM PhD Club and avuba invite to the - X-Mas Edition party! Join us for a cozy pre-Christmas event with cookies and Glühwein - mulled wine!

Join us for a cozy pre-Christmas event with cookies and Glühwein - mulled wine!

Avuba will offer the Mulled wine & cider & cookies.

PhD students and postdocs of all faculties are invited also to stay for the X-mas Karaoke!

PhD students and postdocs of all faculties are invited to the avuba and Phd Club X-mas party at https://verso-basel.ch, Petersgraben 50, 7 - 9 pm.

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