No-contract situation with Elsevier 2024


The ongoing negotiations between swissuniversities and Elsevier on the Read&Publish agreements for 2024 onwards have still not come to a satisfactory conclusion. This means that the costs of publishing Open Access from 1.1.2024 onwards are not covered by the university agreements until further notice.

Articles submitted by 31.12.2023 can still be published under the current agreement with the "Gold Open Access" option.

For articles submitted from 1.1.2024 onwards, university authors should not choose the free "Gold Open Access" option until further notice. Please use the possibility of so called Green Open Access instead: After an embargo period of 6–36 months (depending on journal), researchers can make the accepted author’s manuscript of their articles available through institutional repositories as the institutional repository edoc of the University of Basel. Funders as SNSF and European Union fully accept Green Open Access publications.

Additional information by swissuniversities

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