The assistants’ association of the University of Basel (avuba) is an association. The association is non-profit and politically independent.
The General Meeting is the highest organ of avuba. It has the following functions in particular:
- Definition of the scope of avuba activities
- Election of the Board, the co-presidents and the Audit Committee
- Setting of membership fees
- Approval of the annual report and the report of the Audit Committee
- Amendment of the Bylaws
- Dissolution of the association
The Board is the executive organ of avuba. It conducts its business and represents avuba in the University, when dealing with public authorities and in public. The Board consists of at least 7 and a maximum of 10 persons and comprises the two co-presidents and the Senate representatives who represent faculty assistants in the Senate.
The Presidium comprises two equal presidents (Co-Presidium) who are elected by the General Meeting. The co-presidents may decide how they wish to share the duties of internal and external university representatives of avuba. They are also responsible for the negotiation of the performance agreement between the University of Basel and avuba, and they make decisions concerning avuba publications in consultation with the Board, such as the contents, type of publication and the publication body.
The Administration supports the Co-Presidium and the Board of avuba in their day-to-day administrative business.